A title like this is perhaps the only way I can get anyone who doesn’t already share similar beliefs to me to read this article. The way the social…
It is indeed “Time to Say Goodbye” (in the famous melody of Andrea Bocelli) to 2020. But before we lock her away and throw away the key for stealing our freedom……
Over the course of history various “lawful” distinctions have been made to differentiate or classify humans. According to what? Despite some people genuinely believing that white people were genuinely…
The best way to protect one’s own moral standpoint is to attack someone else’s and find people who will stand with you. Forget about moral high ground, soon there will…
I walked past this big billboard on the side of a hospital in Jersey City, NJ, USA just about every day for about 5 months. You’ll have to look closely…
These days, if you are looking for someone to confirm your belief or validate your truth, they are not hard to find. They are all around you. This is how…
Hello and welcome! This is my – John McInroy, Bodhi, Sipho, whatever you know me by – new digital home! And here is my first blog post! I’d love to…